Hope you are doing well, members of Group L.

First of all, I’d like to say that your group’s assignment is really interesting and original. ChatGPT has been widely welcomed and popular due to its powerful generation ability and wide range of application fields. However, most people only think of Chatgtp as a tool and have almost no knowledge of the field of artificial intelligence.

The blog structure is perfect, and you introduced: Navigating AI Landscape, Potential and Mechanics, Confidence and Misinterpretation, and reflecting on the AI Journey.

Clear objectives: You clearly state the objectives and expected outcomes of the course. Students can have a clear idea of what they will learn in the course, which helps them to better organize their learning and achieve their goals.

Comprehensive: The course covers a comprehensive set of core concepts and knowledge points. Ensure that students gain the necessary background knowledge and are provided with sufficient opportunities for practice and application.

Resource support: The outline provides necessary resource support, such as teaching materials, bibliography, online resources, etc. These resources can help students better learn and master the course content.


Xu(Group H)