
The Economics of Healthcare: Crash Course Economics #29

This video introduces many basic points and questions about the Economics of North American Health Care: Health Care System, Uninsured, Cost, Quantity Price, and Quality…

This video explains the basic information in an easy-to-understand way (animations, pictures) for my students, especially those who do not have any basic knowledge of economics. Of course, I hope my viewers will take some notes, after all, for novices, these specialized concepts are quickly forgotten.

To cope with such common learning pressures, I want to design a simple game to interact with students: in small groups, make a quick poster to explain the healthcare economic system in their respective countries, and how they work? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What do you think are the problems that need to be improved?

A group discussion is then arranged to provide each group member with the opportunity to present their poster work. During the discussion, members can share their ideas, design choices, and intentions. Other members can ask questions, offer suggestions and express opinions.

Finally, feedback from mentors or instructors: Submit group members’ poster work to instructors or mentors and ask them for feedback and input. These professionals can provide more in-depth insight and advice from a professional perspective to help group members further improve their posters.

Through these feedback mechanisms, group members can learn from each other, share and improve their design skills, thus improving their poster work.


  1. jennydong

    I really appreciate the fact that you thought of students who have no economic basis when choosing the videos. The idea of group discussion afterwards is also very good, as it can consolidate the knowledge more effectively by helping each other students.

  2. boyue

    I am very interested in your video and as a student of economics as well, I know the supremacy of social security issues in economics. Especially the issues related to Medicare. Canada’s health care system is one of the few in the world with full government coverage, and compared to the US Canadian citizens do not need to purchase very expensive health insurance to enjoy extremely good health care coverage. However, I know that the Canadian health care system has been known for its extremely long waits. What can be done to help the Canadian government improve the efficiency of access to care for this problem?

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