Month: June 2023

Peer Review for Group L

Hope you are doing well, members of Group L.

First of all, I’d like to say that your group’s assignment is really interesting and original. ChatGPT has been widely welcomed and popular due to its powerful generation ability and wide range of application fields. However, most people only think of Chatgtp as a tool and have almost no knowledge of the field of artificial intelligence.

The blog structure is perfect, and you introduced: Navigating AI Landscape, Potential and Mechanics, Confidence and Misinterpretation, and reflecting on the AI Journey.

Clear objectives: You clearly state the objectives and expected outcomes of the course. Students can have a clear idea of what they will learn in the course, which helps them to better organize their learning and achieve their goals.

Comprehensive: The course covers a comprehensive set of core concepts and knowledge points. Ensure that students gain the necessary background knowledge and are provided with sufficient opportunities for practice and application.

Resource support: The outline provides necessary resource support, such as teaching materials, bibliography, online resources, etc. These resources can help students better learn and master the course content.


Xu(Group H)

Comment on Steph’s blog 4

Hi, friend. I really appreciate your blog4, and you use the latest AI technology. Personally, I think Chatgtp is very suitable for operation and instructional design, but Chatgtp is very easy to make people lose their self-thinking ability, so we should use it wisely.



The Economics of Healthcare: Crash Course Economics #29

This video introduces many basic points and questions about the Economics of North American Health Care: Health Care System, Uninsured, Cost, Quantity Price, and Quality…

This video explains the basic information in an easy-to-understand way (animations, pictures) for my students, especially those who do not have any basic knowledge of economics. Of course, I hope my viewers will take some notes, after all, for novices, these specialized concepts are quickly forgotten.

To cope with such common learning pressures, I want to design a simple game to interact with students: in small groups, make a quick poster to explain the healthcare economic system in their respective countries, and how they work? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What do you think are the problems that need to be improved?

A group discussion is then arranged to provide each group member with the opportunity to present their poster work. During the discussion, members can share their ideas, design choices, and intentions. Other members can ask questions, offer suggestions and express opinions.

Finally, feedback from mentors or instructors: Submit group members’ poster work to instructors or mentors and ask them for feedback and input. These professionals can provide more in-depth insight and advice from a professional perspective to help group members further improve their posters.

Through these feedback mechanisms, group members can learn from each other, share and improve their design skills, thus improving their poster work.

Comment on Wanqin’s blog3

Hi, Wanqin. I think your idea is very interesting and practical, and the biggest threat to online classes is the negative attitude of students on the other side of the internet. Therefore, your approach is worthy of emulation, as it can effectively control the quality of the lectures.


Blog 3

Our subject matter is teaching about the current healthcare economic environment in Canada, and our curriculum is very comprehensive and insightful, so I believe that at the undergraduate level, our curriculum is designed to satisfy any student interested in this type of program.

However, it has to be admitted that our program has some prerequisites, and that is that some foundation in economics is required. Our course involves a lot of terminology, data, and formulas, which can be confusing to students who do not have a foundation in the subject matter and may lose their interest. Therefore, I think we have to simplify our course content and teach it in an easy-to-understand way. For example, we can divide the teaching of this item into two modes: zero and basic. We would eliminate a lot of formulas in the zero-based model and explain the terminology in an easy-to-understand way and only teach the current concepts of Canadian healthcare economics to students as much as possible because it is important to keep their interest in this category. Then for students with a basic understanding, I think our teaching model can remain the same, because it is important to make sure that they receive more in-depth content.

Besides, personalized learning is important. This can include adapting content to learners’ abilities and interests, providing exercises and challenges at different difficulty levels, and using adaptive learning technologies to adjust the pace of instruction based on learners’ performance. I hope inclusion and diversity can respect the background, culture, and special needs (e.g., language) of the learners.

Direct Instruction

Based on my first Post, I believe that behaviorism is the most effective approach. Then direct instruction and behaviorism are the best partners, just as UVIC promotes small class sizes and adequate student participation. I designed the learning approach and framework as follows:

  1. Set clear learning objectives: Ensure that learning objectives are specific, quantifiable, and observable. Clearly define the skills, knowledge, or behaviors that learners need to master.

2. Break down the learning process: Break down the learning process into small, actionable steps or tasks. This helps learners gradually acquire complex concepts or skills and provides clear guidance.

3. Provide demonstration and imitation: Demonstration of the required skill or behavior is shown for learners to observe and imitate. Demonstrations can be presented through demonstrations, videos, images, etc.

4. Provide immediate feedback: Give learners timely and accurate feedback. Feedback can be affirmative reinforcement or constructive guidance that helps learners adjust and improve their behavior.

5. Repetition: Consolidate what is learned through repeated practice. Gradually increase the difficulty and complexity of tasks to improve learners’ skills and abilities.

6. Assessing Learning Outcomes: Learners’ outcomes are regularly assessed to ensure that learning objectives are being met. Assessments can be in the form of tests, exams, project assignments, etc.

In summary, the direct instruction approach to learning based on behaviorism focuses on shaping learners’ behavior through stimulation and feedback. This approach emphasizes clear goal setting, decomposition of the learning process, modeling and imitation, immediate feedback, reinforcement, a conducive learning environment, repeated practice, assessment, and adjustment. Through these steps, learners can gradually acquire the required knowledge and skills and achieve the desired learning goals.

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